Natasha has said, As Believers we are born to stand out and called
to be the light in the darkness God strengthened and gave me the confidence
I needed to boldly profess my faith.”

“Natasha Phillips is a Singer, Songwriter and Worship Leader from Atlanta, GA. Coming from a family rooted and grounded in ministry, she knew at a very young age that she had the call of God upon her life and that God would use her significantly to build his kingdom. At a very young age she begin singing and writing music, all while allowing the Lord to mold her into his image. Growing up in a devout Christian household it was her deep dependency on God which allowed the creativity in her music to not only flow from her, but usher the listeners into the presence of God.
Through her dependency on God she has been able to overcome and accept that God made her different. Natasha has said, “As Believers we are born to stand out and called to be the light in the darkness. God strengthened and gave me the confidence I needed to boldly profess my faith.
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